Baked Eggs1.jpg

A simple and visually interesting method for presenting eggs at breakfast, lunch or supper.

These eggs, in little bread parcels, are a particular favourite. They cook unsupervised and the toast will not burn.

Other options are to cook the eggs: ‘en cocotte’, with the eggs baked in ramekins which are placed in a bath of water in the oven; in a ramekin lined with ham or bacon (not for a vegetarian); or in a dish lined with spinach.


Preparation: 5 mins Cook: 15 mins Serve: 2

1 tsp olive oil

2 slices bread*

2 eggs

salt and pepper

chives (optional)


PREHEAT the oven to 180 C/350 F/Gas 4.

GREASE the ramekin or muffin tray with oil.

TRIM the crusts from the slices of bread.

ROLL the the trimmed slices with a rolling pin to squash them.

LINE the ramekins or muffin tray with the bread.

CRACK the eggs into the bread.

BAKE for 12-15 minutes. (If you want a runny egg yolk, remove from the oven just before the egg white is set.)

COOL for a couple of minutes.

RUN a knife between the bread and ramekin, remove and serve.


Garnish with chopped chives, crumbled feta, dukkah or a dollop of tapenade.


* For Low Fodmap diet line the ramekin with spinach or ham or poach ‘en cocotte’.


‘En Cocotte’: crack an egg into a greased ramekin and bake in a tray with water for 12-15 mins at 180 C/350 F/Gas 4 (this will be a ‘runny egg’).

Line a baking dish with spinach, add the eggs and bake for approximately 15 minutes.


Asparagus with Gribiche Sauce


Flatbread, yeast free